A group environment annotation is indicated by a two-character group environment annotation marker (GEAM). A GEAM-based annotations is atom-anchored.

The first character of a GEAM is a boundary symbol as in a structural unit annotation or the dot character in combination with the surface symbol | (vertical bar). The second character is R, X, Y, or | to indicate attachment to an alkyl group, a halogen atom, a neighbor group of any kind, or a surface of a solid material, respectively.

GEAM Meaning in CurlySMILES annotation
-R single bond to alkyl group
-X single bond to halogen atom
-Y single bond to another group of any kind
=Y double bond to another group of any kind
#Y triple bond to another group of any kind
$Y quadruple bond to another group of any kind
:Y aromatic bond to another aromatic ring atom or a group containing it
~Y bond of unspecified type to another group of any kind, which also can be a metal atom in a complex molecule
-| single bond to substrate (material surface)
~| bond of any kind to substrate (material surface)
.| ionic interaction with a material surface


A. Drefahl: CurlySMILES: a chemical language to customize and annotate encodings of molecular and nanodevice structures . J. Cheminf. 2011, 3:1; doi: 10.1186/1758-2946-3-1 .
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