A molecular detail annotation is indicated by a two-character molecular detail annotation marker (MDAM). The first character is an exclamation mark and the second character is a letter. MDAM annotations support molecular encoding by providing substructural details, molecular information and/or atom-based specifications of molecular interactions including intra- and extramolecular interactions. MDAMs and their usage are listed in the following table.

MDAM Meaning and usage
!a atom: destinction of stereoisomers based on asymmetric atomic center (in cases, where an alternative to a D, E, L, or R annotation is desired)
!m multiple atoms: specification of a substructure (connected or disconnected) resulting into distinction of isomers or conformers; also specification of charge distribution and resonance structure
!p pair of atoms: isomer distinction based on two atoms (bonded or non-bonded); for example, encoding of axially chiral molecules with the axis defined by the atom pair
!r ring: specification of a ring-based detail such as charge dislocation (formal ring charge)
!H hydrogen bonding: specification of an atom, of which an H-atom is involved in H-bonding within the same molecule or to an atom of another molecule that is encoded within the same notation
!I interaction (intra- or extramolecular): specification of an atom that interacts with another atom of the same molecule or with an atom of another molecule that is encoded within the same notation


A. Drefahl: CurlySMILES: a chemical language to customize and annotate encodings of molecular and nanodevice structures . J. Cheminf. 2011, 3:1; doi: 10.1186/1758-2946-3-1 .
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