Vocabulary for document references and bibliography markup

The bibscope vocabulary provides a semantic framework for the markup of in-text references, bibliographic footnotes and annotated bibliography entries within a HTML5-based web page. This vocabulary is used in connection with the attributes itemscope, itemtype and itemprop to annotate the content of HTML5 elements.

Bibscope annotation is illustrated for various bibliographic entry types including article, book, booklet and website/page. The itemscope attribute simply “creates” an item—a bibliographic entry that is specified via the itemtype attribute. The itemprop attribute, then, allows to annotate descendands (child nodes) of the specified item node. Bibscope annotation is illustrated for various bibliographic entry types: book, journal article, patent, blog post, web document and website.

The following table list the terms that are valid bibscope properties. The basic set of terms mirrors the names of BibTeX tags (BibTeX field names) defined through the BibTeX format. Bibscope extends the BibTex set by introducing terms targeting particular web-based resources. In addition, various terms for document items such as tables, figures and side boxes have been included to support the generation of richly annotated bibliographies in HTML language.

Bibscope property terms

access-date The date when you—the author of a reference or bibliography—accessed an archived document or a web site; thus, confirming existence and availability of the cited item for that date.
address The address of the publisher or publishing institution: simply a city name or a full address.
annotate Any text in reference to the original source, for which a bibliographic entry is created.
association Any group of individuals or organizations forming a union to accomplish a purpose.
author The name of a single author or a list of author names.
chapter-number A chapter number.
chapter-title A chapter title.
day-of-month The day of month (whole number bewtween 1 and 31))
doi The digital object identifier (DOI).
edition The edition of a book.
editor The name of a single editor or a list of editor names.
figure-id The identifier of a figure; typically a number code such as 5, 1.7 or 12.a.
figure-caption The title or description relating to a figure.
howpublished Short description of an unusual way of publication such as privately published.
inventor The name of a single inventor or a list of inventor names; within the bibscope context, an inventor is a patent author.
isbn The International Standard Book Number (ISBN).
journal The full or abbreviated name of a journal or magazine.
month The month in which the work or document was published.
number The issue number of a journal or magazine, or the serial number of a report or some other work.
owner The owner of a website or web service.
pages A page number or page number range.
patent-number The number or identifier of a patent.
photographer The name of a single photographer or a list of photographer names.
publisher The name of the publisher.
publisher-first The name of the publisher, who originally published a book, before reprints and revisions became available.
school The name of the academic institution where a thesis was written.
section-number A section number.
section-title A section-title.
series The unifying title of a set of books, published in series under an overarching theme.
side-box-id The identifier of a column or side box.
side-box-label The label given to a side box.
side-box-title The title of a side box.
subtitle A subtitle given to an article, book or other work in addition to its main title.
table-id The identifier of a table; typically a number code such as 6 or 4.1.
table-caption The title relating to a table.
title The title of the work.
url The universal resource locator (URL) for a documents that is available online.
volume The volume number or volume code of a journal or multi-volume book.
year The year in which the work was published.
year-first The year in which a book was originally published before reprints and revisions became available.
version The version number of a tutorial or manual, when reflection the version number of a software package or device being addressed in the entered document.
A bibliographic entry is tied to the bibscope vocabulary via the the itemtype attribute of the itemscoped node. The format is illustrated here for a paragraph node:
<p itemscope="itemscope" 
Allowed values for entry_type are given below.

Entry types specifying Bibscope item types

article An article from a journal or magazine.
blogpost An entry posted to a blog.
book A book with a definite publisher
booklet A short collection of printed and bound text, including a brochure or programm, typically containing summarizing or introductory information.
catalog A printed list or record of items.
corrigendum A correction of a published text (also called erratum).
inbook A book part such as a chapter or appendix.
inproceedings An article in conference proceedings.
manual A user guide or instruction manual.
masterthesis A thesis for the achievement of a master degree.
misc A work or document that does not fit under any of the other entry types listed in this table.
newspaper-online A digital periodical publication containing news articles.
newspaper-print A printed periodical publication containing news articles.
patent A patent document such as a utility patent, design patent, plant patent or reissue patent.
phdthesis A thesis for the achievement of a doctorate; also called dissertation.
proceedings A collection of academic papers and notes published as the result of a conference.
techreport A report published by a school, learned society, research committee or related authority.
webdoc A web document (informative or instructive web page), which contains the name(s) of its author(s) or editor(s)
webpage A particular web page of a web site.
website A set of related web pages, web service or portal served from a single web domain.

Vocabulary author: Axel Drefahl
Last update: January 14, 2014
Axel at ResearchGate

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