Bibscope example for a reference to a blog post

[AxelD2013] Trailing Ahead Blog: A walk through plant chemistry: actual and virtual trails through the Cambridge University Botanic Garden (CUBG). March 13, 2013.
(accessed: Jan. 10, 2015).
The following code example illustrates the use of bibscope to mark up this blog-post reference:
<td itemscope="itemscope"
..<span itemprop="blog">Trailing Ahead</span> Blog:
..<span itemprop="title">A walk through plant chemistry:
....actual and virtual trails through the
....Cambridge University Botanic Garden (CUBG)
..<span itemprop="month">March</span>
..<span itemprop="day-of-month">13</span>,
..(<span itemprop="year">2013</span>).
..<br />
..<a itemprop="url"
.....title="A walk through plant chemistry: actual and virtual trails through the Cambridge University Botanic Garden (CUBG)"></a>
..(accessed: <span itemprop="access-date">Jan. 10, 2015</span>).
The semantically annotated text parts are captured via span elements and, in the case of the URL string, via an a element. In each case, the itemprop attribute specifies the contained text. All annotated elements are siblings of the td element—the parent that encloses them. The itemtype attribute of the parent node identifies its microdata-structured entry as a bibscope-encoded blog-post reference.

Vocabulary author: Axel Drefahl
Latest update: January 10, 2015
Axel at ResearchGate

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